Walmart ICM & YBM meetings

American multinational retail corporation Walmart was faced with the necessity of holding two of its most important corporate meetings virtually for the first time in February 2021. In this case study you will discover how Xite Labs relied on the disguise extended reality (xR) workflow to power two virtual meetings for Walmart that captured the attention and interest from both investors and key management personnel.

1 month


1 week

building the xR stage

3 days



YouTube video views for the ICM


The challenge

Los Angeles-based Xite Labs were tasked with building a custom xR stage in Arkansas in one week, fully calibrate and test it in a part of the US that’s distant from most production hubs, and run it live for the meetings with teleported interviewers.



The solution

“We set up a Slack channel with disguise support throughout the project,” Virkhaus reports. “We got very seamless results. The colour reproduction itself involved different layers of colour correction and a lot of collaboration between disguise and our team working together to find the best solution. We built custom LUT files to fix the colour reproduction problem, and disguise enabled the use of those custom colour LUTs on the output, which really helped us.”

"For me, the ability to programme a corporate meeting with a timeline in a completely virtual world is a big benefit of disguise. Having Unreal Engine and Notch integration built in is hugely important for these types of projects. Just being able to treat this like any other show and not make special concessions as to how we would produce it was amazing.”
Greg Russell, Creative Director, Xite Labs


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Executive Producers

LEO Events

Creative/xR Directors:

Vello Virkhaus, Greg Russell

Media Producer

Emile Wolsky

Technical Directors:

Jeremy Vannix, Simon Anaya

Production Partners:

Evolve Media Group, Lightswitch, Robe, ANC

disguise Media Server Operator:

Simon Anaya


Anders Rahm

Notch Artists:

Travis Poe, Simon Anaya, Mike Estacio

Lighting Director:

Mike Robertson, Lightswitch

DP/Jib Operator:

Pierce Cook


Xite Labs

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